Welcome to It Takes A Village Nation! We want to make sure that you get yourself set up for success on this platform, which aims to connect like-minded organizations, businesses and individuals around the topics, struggles and movements of social justice! This article will get you ready to interact, collaborate and share resources in the name of love and revolution! Complete your ITAVN Profile so ...
We’ve spent the past 8 months creating the It Takes A Village Nation brand and building the website and we plan to continue to improve the platform. Here are a few of the features to look forward to in the upcoming months: Cover Photo Repositioning: Currently you can upload a cover photo, however you cannot choose how to crop it or reposition the photo. We are aware that this can be frustrat...
Join us for a night of celebration and community building to honor of our official launch! The event is on Thursday, April 6th, from 6:30pm – 9:30pm at The Greenlining Institute in Oakland. It will feature local businesses, music, food, and performances in celebration of Launching It Takes a Village Nation. Together we can be on the cutting edge of an innovative new platform designed to crea...
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