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In an article at U.S. Uncut, Kelly Davidson reports that corporations, in partnership with the United States government, are forcing prisoners to work for wages as low as .25 and $1.15 per hour. It’s called “insourcing.” If you are a CEO or a stockholder in one of these companies it’s great! You get your products made by prison slaves for practically nothing, or you get your products made in third world countries for practically nothing—either way, you reap the profits.


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History Spotlight

2017 December 14, 1915 - "Red Fox James Pushes for Day Honoring Indigenous Americans" Red Fox James, also known as Red Fox Skiuhushu, presented at the White House endorsements from 24 state governments for a day to honor indigenous Americans. He rode over 4,000 miles on horseback from state to state seeking these endorsements.He was thought to be from the Blackfoot Tribe of Montana. Although Red Fox James was not successful in his bid to lobby the government to create an indigenous people's day, it laid the groundwork for President Ronald Reagan to create American Indian Day in 1983.

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